
The heart of a police department is its daily patrol function.

This is where the vast majority of the public first meets an officer. Patrol Officers interact with the public in a variety of ways, have numerous assignments, and protect the residents and guests of our community. The Sylvania Township Police Department has 44 sworn police officers, and 29 of those officers are assigned to the daily patrol function. During a standard patrol shift, there is a Sergeant and a minimum of four patrol officers on duty.  Each officer is assigned a specific portion of Sylvania Township to patrol. The Township is divided into four patrol districts.


So how does a normal shift progress for the patrol officer? The shift begins with a meeting. This meeting is called “roll call”, and it is led by the Sergeant in charge of the shift. The Sergeant goes over recent crimes in the Township, assigns patrol districts, discusses legal updates, conducts training, and gives patrol assignments.


After roll call, the patrol officer assembles the equipment they need for the upcoming shift. Most officers head for a patrol cruiser and gather their gear. Some patrol officers may have unique assignments. Depending on the need, patrol officers may be assigned to traffic enforcement cars, or plain clothes and undercover cars. Once a patrol officer has their equipment, they head to their assigned district in the Township. During the shift, they’ll respond to calls for service (reports, accidents, disturbances), check houses whose residents are on vacation, respond to alarms, pay attention to problem areas, conduct traffic stops, and help where needed.


The shift ends with the patrol officer preparing their vehicle for the next shift. They finish up their paperwork, update the oncoming shift, and head home!

Detective Bureau

The Detective Bureau can be reached at 419-882-1250.

The Detective Bureau is the investigative arm of the police department and is currently made up of one Sergeant and three Detectives. All preliminary complaint reports requiring further investigation are referred to the Detective Bureau for review and evaluation. Once reviewed, each case is assigned to a specific detective for further investigation.


This division is involved in many aspects and responsibilities. Detectives contact the victims, interview witnesses, interrogate suspects, prepare and execute search warrants, collect evidence at crime scenes, prepare court cases, handle extraditions and provide investigative/intelligence support to other law enforcement agencies.

There are many areas of expertise handled by our highly trained and experienced investigators which include:

  • Identity Theft / Fraud
  • Breaking and Entering / Robbery
  • Theft of Property
  • Criminal Damage
  • Arson
  • Domestic Violence
  • Sex Crimes
  • Homicide
Community Affairs

There are three officers assigned to our Community Affairs Office and they are responsible for the Department’s crime prevention, community outreach and educational programs. 

Officers assigned to Community Affairs seek to engage the community and create a strong working relationship between the Sylvania Township Police Department and the citizens we serve.   Officers work with homeowners, business owners, community organizations, schools and individuals to promote partnerships, communication, mutual respect and trust.


The Office of Community Affairs has many programs that enable residents and our Police Department to communicate and work together to build a safer community which include:

  • L.E.A.D. (Law Enforcement Against Drugs)
  • Coffee with a Cop
  • Citizens Police Academy
  • Safety Township
  • Active Threat Response
  • Drug Takeback Days
  • Shop with a Hero
  • Personal Safety Presentations


If you would like more information about any of these programs, have a question or would like to schedule an event, you can contact Support Services Lieutenant Kevin Steinman at or 419-720-3001.


Public Safety Cadets

The mission of the PSC Unit is to offer young adults a personal awareness of the criminal justice system through training, practical experiences, and other activities.  Cadets have many opportunities to complete community service volunteer hours by assisting officers with events throughout the year.  The PSC unit also has a ride-along program, in which cadets can shadow road patrol officers during their shift.


The PSC Unit holds meetings every other Tuesday evening, usually from 7-9 pm, and conducts training in various aspects of law enforcement such as:

  • traffic stops
  • accident investigation
  • first aid
  • arrest/search procedures
  • crime scene processing
  • and many others


The Sylvania Police Public Safety Cadet Program is seeking new members!  If you (or someone you know) between the ages of 14-20 are interested in a career in law enforcement or criminal justice and would like more information, please contact Lead Mentor, Officer Steve Deutschman at


PSC Informational Brochure


The PSC Unit is a joint program between the Sylvania Township Police Department and the City of Sylvania Police Division.

Records Bureau
Ohio’s Public Records Act imposes two primary obligations upon public offices:


1. Provide prompt inspection of public records (R.C. 149.43(B)(1)); and

2. Provide copies of public records within a reasonable period of time


(R.C. 149.43(B)(2)).

The Public Records Act evolved from the principle that Ohio’s citizens are entitled to access the records of their government. We agree that to advance this principle, the Public Records Act should be interpreted liberally in favor of disclosure.

Business Hours:
Monday thru Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Telephone Number:


Fax Number:

How do I get a copy of a crime report?

  1. You can come into our station located at 4420 King Rd during business hours and a copy can be made for you.
  2. You can call our Records Bureau at 419-885-3721 during business hours and request a copy to be faxed, emailed or sent to you in the post.

*We do not charge for copies of crime reports.

How do I get a copy of an accident report?

  1. You can visit the Ohio Department of Public Safety website to download a copy. Click here.
  2. You can come into our station located at 4420 King Rd during business hours and a copy can be made for you.
  3. You can call our Records Bureau at 419-885-3721 during business hours and request a copy to be faxed, emailed or sent to you in the post.

*We do not charge for copies of accident reports.

Property Room


Sylvania Township holds property auctions on an as-needed basis, utilizing the services of the internet auction provider, The auctions consist of assorted recovered, found, and unclaimed property items, as well as surplus equipment. We also use to sell abandoned, forfeited and township-owned motor vehicles as they become available.


The website clearly spells out the terms and conditions of each item to be auctioned, as well as the item description, photos, and title information. All items are sold “as-is”, “where-is”, and must be picked up and payment received within the specified time frame. Interested bidders should review the online sales terms and conditions before placing a bid. Potential bidders who may not have a home computer can access the website, at no charge, through a computer at any of the branches of the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library. If you are not in the Lucas County area, check with your local library for access.


**Special Note for Abandoned Vehicles** Bidders should be aware that these vehicles will have salvage titles. Buyers from the State of Ohio will be given instructions on the inspection process in Ohio, bidders from other states should be aware of how the title will be handled through your state.


It is the responsibility of the Sylvania Township Police Department to manage and control all property accepted and stored in our property management facilities. Our department handles over 1,000 items each year and we ensure that all property will be stored, released and disposed of in accordance with department policy and procedures, as well as the Ohio Revised Code.

Whether property is found, taken in for safekeeping, or no longer needed for evidentiary purposes, we strive to return it to its rightful owner.


If you have reason to believe our department is holding property belonging to you, we encourage you to contact the property-evidence manager at: Office: 419-882-1735


Once all police use of the property has been satisfied and it is approved for release, property may be obtained from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (excluding holidays).

Sylvania Township Police Department
We Are Guardians Of The Community.

4420 KING RD | SYLVANIA, OH 43560 | 419-882-2055

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